About Koko Brill

Koko's sensitive and empathetic nature led her to discover Reiki where she was able to personally experience healing on mental, physical and emotional levels. Now it is her pleasure to offer this experience of healing to others. Koko’s gifts of empathy, compassion and intuition enable her to help others return to their most authentic expression of self by clearing away what is no longer needed in the body's energy systems. This can include but is not limited to the release of stress, anxiety, trauma and energy from others.

Koko is a Level Three Reiki Practitioner initiated into the Usui Reiki Lineage. She continues to train with the Growing Whole Institute (www.growingwhole.ca) under the supervision of Reiki Master and Teacher Ashley Eden as well as The Centre in Vancouver.

Koko has furthered her energy work experience by initiation to the 13th Octave LaHoChi healing tradition.

In addition, Koko is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and culinary school graduate. She is an anti-diet nutritionist and uses intuitive eating and body image coaching to lead her clients to a life of self-love.

Evoke Magick from within…