Embrace & Fulfill

“Magick happens when you step into who you truly are and embrace that which fulfills your soul” - Dacha Avelin

I once thought I was many different things. And I once thought that I had to be many different things. Today, I just am. With each new day I find a deeper authenticity and truth to myself - the core of my being.

I used to make decisions based on what others wanted or needed and sacrificed myself in the process. It is a very damaging thing to live this way. Only when you’re free of that can you really see the cost.

It’s okay to say no to whatever does not appeal to you and it is okay not to have a reason why. If you’re ever hesitating to make a decision, take a moment to ask what answer will fulfill your soul. When you learn to set boundaries, saying no can feel like a weight lifted off of your shoulders, or a breath of fresh air.

It is so important to establish what you need in this life to be happy. If you find yourself saying yes to every social engagement invitation you receive and then wishing you were home the entire time you’re out, it is time to set a boundary. Maybe one or two social outings per week is your limit for your own peace and happiness.

If your job has turned into a 24/7 affair, establish a time period in the evening where you shut off your phone and ignore your e-mails. Do something for yourself instead - take a walk, a bath, get some movement or spend time with a friend.

If your partner is demanding too much from you, let them know and discuss setting some boundaries. This can be a very hard topic to discuss but you deserve to honour your truth.

By starting to set boundaries, you honour your own Self. Doing this allows you to step into the light of your own life - right where you should be! You will begin to see that by serving yourself, you are actually better serving others around you, too. When your own light grows brighter, you illuminate the world around you.

Koko Brill